희망과 행복의 샘 Spring of Hope & Happiness

유기열,함박눈이 내리는 서울도심을 달리다(I drove a car on the Seoul road snow was falling down) 본문

일상의 감상

유기열,함박눈이 내리는 서울도심을 달리다(I drove a car on the Seoul road snow was falling down)

futureopener 2016. 2. 28. 21:12

갑자기 오늘 오후에 함박눈이 내렸다.

Suddenly, It snowed in large flakes this afternoon.

함박눈을 맞으며 서울의 빌딩숲을 달렸다.

I drove a car through the road between the buildings that the snow was coming down heavily.

믿고 의지할 수 있는 사람들이 같이 있어 더욱 좋았다.

It was very happy that the trusty and reliable persons were together.

차 안은 즐거움과 웃음으로 가득했다.

The car inside was filled with gladness and laugh.
