목록우간다 (5)
희망과 행복의 샘 Spring of Hope & Happiness
There was only one resting place on roads in Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania where I visited That is SINA Gerard, which is located between Kigali ,Caital of Rwanda and Musanze. This resting house has been modernized and expanded continuously because of the big profitable business. In my opinion, the business of operating a resting place in these 3 countries is expected to be brigh..
Lake Bunyoni lies in south western Uganda between Kabale and Kisoro close to the border with Rwanda. The lake is very calm, and has 29 islands. One of the islands, there is Akampene, called punishment in English. The Bakiga used to leave unmarried pregnant girls on this small island with a lone tree. They shall die of hunger or while trying to swim to the mainland. The lake ap..
나일 강의 원천 식당과 기념품 판매점 세계에서 가장 긴 나일 강의 영점(零點)은 산이나 들판이 아닌 호수 안에 있다. 신기하게도 빅토리아 호수 안에는 물이 솟구쳐 나오는 곳이 있다. 그곳의 물은 호수 물 70%, 바닥에서 솟아나는 물 30%로 되어있다. 이곳이 나일 강 6,400km의 공식적인 출발..
I experienced waiting for a bus to depart 4 hours after ticketing. Also, a car carried 8 persons, on which I got. 문제의 버스와 매표인 영업용 승용차에 8명이 타 본 일이 있는가? 버스를 4시간 기다려 보았는가? 우간다 여행 때 경험한 일이다. 이런 일이 다반사라는 것이 놀랍고 신기했다. 우간다 여행 첫날 기소로..
There is only a signal equator, which is a circle made of probably cement, and has letters such as "EQATOR, UGANDA, HEMISPHER N, S HEMISSPHER". Any public bus does not stop there, but goes through that point fast. I hope that that place will be developed as a tour place, then many tourists will enjoy a atmosphere mood, at the same time, Uganda government will get a lot of tour..