희망과 행복의 샘 Spring of Hope & Happiness
유기열, 여유-노랑어리연꽃 봉오리가 활짝 피는 것을 바라봄 (Calm and free enough to enjoy flowering of water fringe or floating heart) 본문
유기열, 여유-노랑어리연꽃 봉오리가 활짝 피는 것을 바라봄 (Calm and free enough to enjoy flowering of water fringe or floating heart)
futureopener 2016. 9. 24. 15:24Flower buds of Water fringe at Sept. 24 2016. 09:56
Blooming flowers of Water fringe at Sept. 24 2016. 10:37
Several insects moving around inside Water fringe flower at Sept. 24 2016. 10:37
사실 직장생활 할때는 맘 놓고 꽃을 바라볼 시간의 여유조차 없었다.
I actually had no time to look at flowers to the utmost.
그러나 모처럼 오늘 아침엔 아파트 단지에 있는 조그만 연못에서 노란어리연 꽃이 피는 것을 느긋하게 즐겼다.
But I enjoyed at ease water fringe's flowering from the bud to the blooming in all its glory this morning at a small pond of my apartment complex.
꽃봉오리가 활짝 피는 데 1시간이 조금 더 걸렸다.
It took a little more than one hour in the flowering.
꽃봉오리를 바라보고 있노라니 위 끝에서부터 얕은 골이 생기며 갈라지더니 조금씩 꿏잎이 넓어졌다.
The floating heart flower began to make five much thin and shallow cracks on the cover from a top to a bottom, and their cracks were getting wider and wider.
Amaging and wonderfull.
꽃봉오리는 가만히 있는 듯하나 실은 끊임 없이 움직이고 있었다.
A floer bud seemed to stay still and not to fix, but it constantly moved and changed.
활짝 핀 꽃잎 가장자리는 여인의 아름다운 옷의 레이스 같았다.
Their petals looked a lace on a pretty woman's dress'
활짝 핀 꽃 안에는 어떻게 알고 왔는지 몇 마리의 벌레가 열심히 돌아다녔다.
Several insects moved around inside the flowers, although I didn't know how they came there.
조금은 그 벌레들이 부러웠다.
I envied a little bit the insects to go around free inside the flowers.
꽃이 피는 것을 본 오늘 아침은 행복했고 축복받은 기분이었다.
I was happy and felt being blessed this morning to enjoy flowering of water fringe.
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