희망과 행복의 샘 Spring of Hope & Happiness

책 "르완다"가 출간되었어요.(A book "Rwanda" authored by Dr Ki Yull Yu was published.) 본문

르완다-Rwanda in Africa

책 "르완다"가 출간되었어요.(A book "Rwanda" authored by Dr Ki Yull Yu was published.)

futureopener 2016. 6. 25. 13:15



책 '르완다' 표지 (The cover of a book "Rwanda" written by Dr Ki Yull YU)


르완다에 대한 자료부족과 접근성의 어려움에서 비롯되는 오해와 문제를 해결하고 르완다를 바로 알리는 데 도움을 주기 위하여,

내가 3년여간 르완다에서 직접 살면서 쓴 책이다.

우리가 잘 몰랐었던 아프리카의 심장,

르완다를 직접 걸어 다니며 보고 듣고 느낀 체험을 나의 어린 시절의 기억과 버무려서 드러내놓아 쉽고 즐겁게 읽을 수 있다.

구체적인 자료를 토대로 현지의 검증을 거쳤기 때문에 자료로써 활용 가치도 높다.


 A book "Rwanda" had been written by Dr Ki Yull Yu,

who had worked as Koica avisor and professor at UR-CAVM for about 3 years in Rwanda,

to help solving the problems and correcting the misunderstanding

arising from the lack of information on Rwanda  and the diffculties to access to Rwanda.

Anyone shall enjoy reading the book,

because the book was written with the unforgettable memories of my child's days and the experiences

I got on sites of Rwandan's life.

And also this book is valuable in view of the references, because the tsources of the documents  are trusty and confirmed in Rwanda.