희망과 행복의 샘 Spring of Hope & Happiness

Korean has Jokbo, the history of their family 본문

Korea facts

Korean has Jokbo, the history of their family

futureopener 2006. 6. 14. 14:34
Most of Korean have their own Jokbo(族譜). Jokbo is the history of korean family.
korean can know their first anestor-his name, his family, his job and his work etc.. From the founder of  their family to themselves, they can know the developing generations.
In the world, there may not be people like Korean who has a acuartic sure map of their family history. As far as I know, any other foreign people probably have not their history book such as Korean Jokbo.
In my case, I am the 29th generation from my first anector, Yu Jeon(劉筌), who was from China. He was Minister of Ministry of Defense and the 40th generation from the first Emperor  Yu Bang of Han Dynasty 
Jokbo shows us our root really.

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